Reasons for Using Battery or Solar-Powered Fence Energizers

Farming Supplies

Reasons for Using Battery or Solar-Powered Fence Energizers

Farmers looking to install electrified fencing tend to choose energizers that either plug into outlets or are hardwired to an existing electrical system. Nonetheless, Mytee Products sells both battery- and solar-powered energizers for a variety of uses. You may wonder why. If so, you are not alone.

Both battery and solar-powered fence energizers have their uses. They are not likely to be a long-term solution for a large amount of acreage, however they can be rather handy in some situations. Below are a few reasons farmers would purchase these energizers. After reading through, it would be hard not to consider buying them.

Frequent Power Outages

You may be a farmer that lives in a rural area subject to severe weather throughout the late spring and early summer. On any given day, a storm could blow through and knock out the power for hours. What if all your energizers require mains power? Your electric fencing could be down for quite a while.

A battery-powered energizer is the obvious answer in these kinds of situations. Just disconnect the standard energizer, connect the battery-powered unit, and let it go until electricity is restored. Then go make the swap back and you are all set. The battery-powered energizer can be put on the shelf until the next power outage.

Utilizing Temporary Pastures

A lot of our customers who choose solar-powered energizers do so because they make use of temporary pastures. These are generally smaller operations or hobby farms where animals are frequently moved from one temporary pasture to the next.

Because there is no need to keep all the fencing electrified around-the-clock, a good way to save money and alleviate dependence on grid power is to use solar energizers. A good solar energizer is just as functional even if cloudy skies are prevalent from time to time. The energizer can be hooked to the fencing where needed, and then unhooked and moved to the next temporary pasture in the rotation.

Installing New Fences

Yet another reason for using battery-powered or solar energizers is to get a new electrified fence up and running while you are waiting on power to be run out to that location. In other words, farmers can install new fencing more quickly by having an alternate means of energizing on hand. They do not have to wait until electric lines are run and outlets installed. They just hook up and go.

Getting off the Grid

Believe it or not, we have worked with customers running hobby farms who are doing everything they can to get off the grid. They might use a turbine for their electricity coupled with a solar system on the roof. Out in the field, they want to contain their animals behind electrified fencing powered with solar energizers.

Getting off the grid is a perfectly legitimate way of doing things. We are just happy we can help meet the need with a selection of solar-powered energizers that are perfect for hobby farms. And even if these kinds of energizers cannot make a farm completely independent of grid power, they sure can supplement quite nicely.

Mytee Products is grateful for the opportunity to provide supplies to farmers and ranchers. If you are a farmer using electrified fencing, we invite you to take a look at our inventory of energizers, fencing wire, and heavy rope. Also be sure to check out our hay tarps and moisture testers.

If we don’t have what you’re looking for, please do not hesitate to ask. We will do everything we can to get it.


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