Brush up your tyre fitting skills! How to choose tyre service and car repair tools

You’re simply the best when it comes to tyre repairs? Well, brushing up your tyre-related skills might be a good idea anyways. We’re not implying that you are unable to do something – but there is always something new you can learn!

Tyre repair courses -are they worth it?

May seem like the time is the best source of knowledge. Hundreds of tyres you’ve worked on means skills as well as the experience. However, there might be situations where the methods that you are using are not necessarily the best ones.


Repairing tyres with a string. How many times have you had customers who came up to your tyre bay, looking for a quick fix? We bet it was quite often. But don’t forget that quick repairs can lead to some unexpected consequences. Like – it’s not that durable. And don’t forget that in case any accidents due to a tyre damage happen, you’re the one bearing full responsibility.

Wheel balancing – what you have to know?

You’ve been balancing wheels for years. What could possibly go wrong? No matter what you think, there is still a risk of some mistakes. That’s why you might consider attending a tyre fitting course. You will learn how to read the balancer data, as well as how to put/clip weights on.

Tyre mounting/demounting

This need expertise, too. Knowing how to do it the right way would let you do this error-free -without damaging the tyre or scratching the rim. After all, there is still room for mistakes here!

Tyre repairs

What is the structure of a tyre? What do you need to do to mount tyre in the press? These are the jobs that require knowledge. And these are just the few examples.

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