Prices of tyre service equipment during season How to choose tyre service and car repair tools

Getting tyre service equipment is never cheap. So, it might be a good idea to use any opportunity that lets you save some money. Here’s just a few ideas that may help you during your lookout for the cheapest equipment.  

Wait for the season

Basically, it is the period during which drivers change tyres. The moment you see the traffic jams in front of tyre services.

When is the season? Well, it depends on the country. For instance, at the same time in Sweden it could be around 2 degrees Celsius and snowing. In Italy there could be 20 degrees Celsius and people thinking about the summer. There may also be some regional differences, too. Even in one country. Overall, though, we can say that the season comes in the following intervals: 

  • half of March-end of April/beginning of May – summer season
  • half of October-half of November/beginning of December – winter season 

Obviously, this may change every year. For instance, the season can last for 2-3 weeks longer. All depends on when the first snow comes. Or – when the temperatures rise. 

Why is it cheaper outside the season?

This is no mystery. You certainly know how it works. When the season is over, the demand is lower. Many suppliers are looking to encourage potential customers to buy at their shop. This is why they are more eager to provide better prices outside the season. 

That’s great news, right? Customers don’t have to get used equipment. In case of these, the real condition is often unknown. So even just a few euros up in savings could be quite a lot. Couldn’t it?

Don’t wait until the season 

You will get better prices while buying outside the high season. Seriously. Suppliers are going to great lengths to lure more customers into their shops. And various SALES or REBATES are just another way of telling the customers to make up their minds earlier. 

Any other reasons?

Price is important. That’s for sure. Yet, it’s not the only argument why you should get tyre bay equipment outside the season. There are also other good reasons:

  • more time for testing
  • more time for turning the machine on
  • more time to learn the use of the product. 

Buying outside the season – got time for testing

Getting the equipment outside the season means more time for testing. No cares at tyre services, so there’s time to test the equipment thoroughly. The user can go through various functions, options or add-ons. 

Would it be possible during the season? Well, let’s be honest. Most people wouldn’t want to do that, when clients stand by their side. And outside the season seems like a great time spot.  

Time to turn the machine on

Let’s imagine that your customer buys the equipment at the beginning of the season. Turning it on should not be an issue but….these things happen. And during the season there is no time to call the assistant or whatever. Customers are not standing and looking at a non-functioning equipment. Plus to that, there is still time to get someone to turn the machine on. 

Learning to use the machine 

Working with a wheel balancer or tyre changer is not a difficult task. What would happen if there’s some option that the user does not know? After all, learning the ropes of using the RUNFLAT helper arm or other extras may take some time, right? 

The high season, especially in tyre services, puts loads of pressure. Thousands of cars outside the gate, racing with time, and more and more clients still coming. There’s no time to test or learn anything. Any mistakes can cause bad mouthing, which is not desirable for any car or tyre service specialist, right?


What are the prices of tyre bay tools outside the high season? Well, they are definitely lower. And that’s not the only reason. You may also consider getting the equipment outside the season because for your clients it’s a much better time to learn the ropes of using them. 

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